Six years and counting…

When we took that leap of faith and finally opened up shop in 2008, we never expected to grow so rapidly. Since the opening of Creative Computer six years ago, we have greatly expanded our services and our clientele while still maintaining affordable prices. With so many years of experience, we have streamlined and refined […]

Microsoft ends Windows XP support on April 8

After 12 years, support for Windows XP will end on April 8, 2014. There will be no more security updates or technical support for theWindows XP operating system. It is very important that customers and partners migrate to a modern operating system such as Windows 7 or Windows 8.1. Customers moving to a modern operating […]

What is CryptoLocker and What Do I Do Now?

CryptoLocker is a ransomware trojan which targets computers running Microsoft Windows and first surfaced in September 2013. A CryptoLocker attack may come from various sources; one such is disguised as a legitimate email attachment.  Files generally encrypted are: 3fr, accdb, ai, arw, bay, cdr, cer, cr2, crt, crw, dbf, dcr, der, dng, doc, docm, docx, dwg, […]

Hosted Microsoft Exchange Online

Creative Computer now offers hosted Microsoft Exchange Online business email solutions. Data is hosted in geographically-distributed data-centers with continuous data backup and premiere disaster recovery capabilities A team of security experts monitors Hosted Microsoft Exchange Online around the clock and updates anti-virus and spam filters to address new threats as soon as they appear Automatic patching […]

Local Dentist Office Upgrades Patient Experience

With technology always changing in society today, we do our best to provide customers with the latest equipment.  We’ve been working with a local dental office to provide a better experience for both patients and staff members. We have added flat panel TVs in three different locations, and over a course of time have installed […]

Why Should I Replace My Out-Of-Warranty Server?

Continued use of a server after its manufacturer’s warranty has expired is arguably the greatest danger you can introduce to your organization’s business continuity. Since a server “serves” all other computers on your network, if it is not operational, all affected employees are suddenly taking a very expensive coffee break. Additional factors that go against […]

What Is a Fake Antivirus?

You are on a website when suddenly the website was replaced with this message: “Cloud Antivirus has noticed that you are at risk, please enter your credit card number below so you can be protected.” I hope that you read that and realize immediately that something is wrong. One of the more common threats businesses […]